The Church and social media

We serve not a particular ideology but concrete people. We follow not a doctrine but a Person. We are the voice of who the Word is, and we reflect the light and colors of who is the Image of the invisible God. We are spokesmen for Christ. […]


Quevedo according to Fina García Marruz

He recommended the literary critic Francisco de Sanctis that the best way to understand and write about a legal professional is to put himself in his situation, that is, judge him from within. By the way, when Fina García Marruz refers to the arrival and journey of José Martí by other authors it says: “it does not write ‘from’ them, but ‘from’ them”. […]


“Leinier’s back”

Grandmaster Leinier Dominguez Pérez returned to classical chess tournaments and did so spectacularly with the subtitle at the U.S. National Championships, which for the occasion summoned twelve of his counterparts with an average Elo of 2682. […]