Chile’s pandemic: Appreciations from quarantine

The Marist brother of Spanish origin, Jesús Bayo Mayor, after thirteen years of stay in Cuba, returned to Chile, where he had first arrived in 1979. The first days in southern land were admiring to see economic progress and improvements in the urban infrastructure of its large capital. Soon that impression changed. Today he tells us that during the eight months he has been in that country, he has had the experience of seeing that he is afflicted by some social and economic viruses that are aggravating with the Coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, in addition to telling how Covid-19 affects Chile, it gives us a previous presentation of social movements. […]


The (a)normal and the real

Three months after the first cases of #Covid19 confirmed, #Cuba will begin to open the society to enter the so-called ‘new normal’. How we’re going to deal with that reality from now on, we don’t know. Because the queues are going to continue, our needs continue to grow, and the margins and gaps where the disorder operates are open.
With reduced collective transport and a declining supply of goods, goods and services, the new normal does not provide a very encouraging picture. […]


Can we forget about Cinderella?

Centro Habana, if not the standard-bearer of social indiscipline in the Cuban capital, is in the avant-garde platoon. What causes affect this? The following text tells us about the complex structure and social formation of this slum and insists on those potentials that are addressed with the help of the social sciences, become strengths in any difficult situation such as #Covid19. […]


Good with good is paid

With the lyrics of a song, the sister of the Congregation of God’s Love, Antonia Valverde, Toñi, as she is known, expresses her gratitude for the welcome received from God and others during this obligatory isolation. […]

Palabra de Hoy

Solemnity of Corpus Christi

The eternal Word of the Father who is Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word, Son of God, has fulfilled his promise to stay with us forever, becoming Bread of life and Drink of salvation in the sacrament of his Body and blood which is the Eucharist; the real and sacramental presence of Christ that we worship today from #Iglesiadoméstica, because of the particular situation of the #pandemia that plagues us. Although in some places the Solemnity of Corpus Christi was celebrated last Thursday, we propose for this Sunday the readings of this liturgy.



Today and Tomorrow of a Pandemic (11)

Cuban narrator, essayist and critic Margarita Mateo finds the idea of returning to what many already call new normalcy unpleasant. He fears that this new normality will be very similar to the previous one and reproduce the same patterns. For the university professor, this would lead us to “continue to live in a world where values continue to prevail that far from contributing to the improvement of the human species, tend to promote the worst of it, including epidemic idiocy and attachment to the banal”. […]


Today and Tomorrow of a Pandemic (10)

For Neife Maria Rigau Chiong, a young Habanera Catholic, these months of confinement have known her for retirement. Although initially, they were initially painted lost, he could later see them as an opportunity. “As at all times,” he says, “in this period I have also been comforted to know myself accompanied by God; it is one of the certainties that we must always keep within us, because it gives us the strength we need to act or the patience we need to wait. That certainty is Christian hope.” […]


Today and Tomorrow of a Pandemic (9)

As a pressing measure of mental health before #Covid 19, the psychologist, critic and journalist, Jesús Dueñas Becerra, advises avoiding, at all costs, the place in our psychs of fear, anxiety, anguish and stress. “The word of order,” he says, “is not fear, let alone panic, but the responsibility to take care of ourselves and each other.” […]

Palabra de Hoy

Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

The Word is Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of the Father, through whom it has been revealed and spoken to us in the fullness of time, the Logos before all and embodied in the virginal bosom of Mary. In the Church every Sunday the Word is proclaimed in the celebration of the Eucharist as a light that illuminates the world and every human being. With the desire to make this Word closer, from the suggestion of our Archbishop Cardinal Juan de la Caridad, we begin this new section in #Palabra New Digital. We intend to facilitate the reading in private or as a family of the readings of each Sunday or public holiday, which will lead us to personal or community prayer, to the contemplation of the mystery and to the incarnate and committed meditation of its contents, that is, to the encounter with Christ, the Word, which guides our steps on the path of life.
