When there are good slices left

In this time of obligatory gathering, the books have been excellent company. From Palabra Nueva we recommend reading Traspapelados Archives, title of Mirta Yáñez. The invitation is accompanied by a strong critero of this Cuban author: “Poor of those who in the rispidity of existence cannot count on the handle of an old poem or an ineffable character of literature. One might wonder whether much of the spiritual poverty that sometimes slaps us does not come from people devoid of the magical arsenal of imagination and poetry.” […]


A path of hope for the first Cuban Catholic broadcaster

Last Monday, June 22, he began his online broadcasts RCJ Radio “The Sound of Hope”. With the emergence of this first Cuban Catholic broadcaster, the Church on the island manages to broadcast radio content continuously from a digital platform. What was long a dream cherished, a group of young people has made it a concrete proposal that bets on evangelization through the media. […]


For Sundays? Movies

“Movies don’t make the days but they can certainly make them better. Sundays, at least in Cuba, depend on the films one decides to see,” says film critic Daniel Céspedes. Sure that no Cuban television space can compete with the expansion of audiovisuals and other offers that promotes and distributes the package, Céspedes stops at the program Arte siete, a space whose reach and fidelity show the number of viewers who enjoy it as a family. […]


Act with responsibility

In Cuba, only #LaHabana does not enter the recovery stage. The capital continues to report cases and does not yet meet the five indicators established by the Ministry of Public Health to move on to another phase. Haste can’t be a risk factor for tomorrow. If we come to this day with the situation we have in the capital, the sensible thing to do is to rectify coordinates and do things correctly. Otherwise, any result will be forced and we will never remove the nasobuco from the face. […]


The pandemic of coronavirus disease, or the impotence of intellectuals

For a few weeks, men and women of cuban letters offered Word New their perceptions of the current pandemic. On a global scale, many are the workers of thought who, in the face of the reality of the world, take the floor. One of them, the prominent Cuban thinker residing in Germany, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, does so from a philosophical critical stance that insists on “slowing to think”, as a first duty of his trade. For him, “thinking, especially in a time of crisis like the current one, requires the willingness to open our eyes and hearts to let ourselves be affected by what is happening alarmingly around us and ourselves as individuals and ‘intellectuals’.” […]

Palabra de Hoy

XII Sunday of Ordinary Time

Jesus Christ, the Word of the Father, tells us today, “Don’t be afraid.” What are your fears? Where do your patent and hidden fears lie? Open the doors of your life to Christ so that you may feel and be able to say with the Apostle: all I can in him who comforts me.



A Our Father Who Only God Understands

In these days of tribulation, Christians pray the #Padrenuestro to plead with #Dios to eradicate the disease and guide our steps in a scenario that has become surprisingly dangerous. Daily life has shown that we suffer from a chronic shortage of basic products and services even without #coronavirus and that we face a war against low birth rate, double currency, fragmentary government control, high prices set in the state and private sectors, as well as poor quality of the products offered. For this chronicler, “televised masses have come to soften the tensions now aggravated by the closure, and should be added to the preces of the ceremony, the permanence of such Sunday broadcasts when the isolation is over. It would greatly benefit the elderly, the disabled, hospitalized and also the prisoners, who need the Eucharistic message so much.” […]