Palm Sunday Allocution

Blessed guano and other religious signs remind us that we are celebrating Holy Week. Cardinal Juan de la Caridad García, Archbishop of Havana invited everyone, as far as possible, to place religious signs in our homes during this time. “Seeing them, he said, will help us live a good Easter.” In his an allocution this Palm Sunday, he asked families to eat together around the table. “Let us do a little prayer before we eat and discuss, like Jesus and the Apostles, how to love each other more. Before we sleep, like Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, let us pray together the Our Father with the children of the house and the next day, before we go out into the street, let us make a sign of the cross on the forehead of those who come out.” […]

Palabra de Hoy

Palm Sunday

With the celebration of Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday we enter Holy Week, holy days in which we will celebrate the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Lord, his Passover, a founding event of our faith in Christ who died and risen for us and for our salvation. For all Christians these are days of silence and prayer, of contemplation of the mystery of the Father’s extreme love for each of us, manifested in Christ’s free and voluntary offering of one’s own life. To look to Christ, to listen to Christ, to accompany Christ, to let us question Christ, to identify with Christ. are guidelines that can help us live more intensely at the Lord’s Passover. […]

Isidoro Lombera

The Father of Cats

As far as we know, no historian interested in the centuries-old Centuries’s centuries-old woodpecher life has addressed the figure of Isidoro Lombera Brown, named in his time The Father of Cats and very present in the capital in the first two decades of that century. His personal history and philanthropic actions lie in oblivion. Rescuing your figure is the target of these lines. […]


An allocution V Sunday of Lent

The allocution of this V Sunday of Lent invites us to answer honestly the following question: How do we want to see Jesus? Father Ariel Suárez Jáuregui, commenting on the Gospel of the day, reminds us that God is only seen and known in depth when we are reached by his infinite love of the cross. […]


Fifth Sunday of Lent

How many crises, moments of darkness, suffering, enmities, pains… are diluted by looking at Christ crucified, naked and wounded! How many clothes we have left in the life behind which we sweeten reality, hide our miseries, fail to truth, accommodate religion! How necessary it is to look again at Christ crucified with the gaze of a child, without prejudice or complex, appreciating what hurts me and identifies with Him! […]


A night in Miami

A fictional reunion between four prominent African-Americans, Cassius Clay, Malcolm X, Sam Cooke and Jim Brown, is the substrate of the film “A Night in Miami,” based on Kemp Powers’s eponymous play, who is also the screenwriter of the Regina King-directed film play. […]

san José

Our Saint Joseph

Since the beginning of Christianity, St Joseph has occupied a very special place within the Catholic saint. St Irenaeus of Lyon in his treatise Adversus haereses states that just as he lovingly cared for Mary and devoted himself with commitment to the education of Jesus Christ, he also guards and protects his mystical body, the Church, of which Mary is a figure and model. They also exalted his figure, from the brief gospel passages referred to him, other Fathers of the Church such as St John Chrysostome, Saint Jerome and St Augustine. […]

Padre Raúl Arderí García, SJ

Joy is coming!

For the Jesuit priest Raul Arderi, Lent is, above all, a way of preparation for Easter, the feast of life, God’s victory over sin and death in this world. “Living Lent means singing and waiting against all hope: Cuba, joy is coming!” […]

Leñadores, cocodrilos, y el pantano

Lumberjacks, crocodiles, and the swamp

Ojalá y la final de la Serie Nacional número 60 de la pelota cubana, entre Matanzas y Granma, tenga más brillo que lo visto hasta ahora en la postemporada. Desafortunadamente el equipo de Los Cocodrilos no podrá contar para el primer juego con su máxima figura. Yadir Drake, expulsado por la trifulca del último desafío contra Las Tunas, originada por la actitud antideportiva de un jugador tunero, un espectáculo lamentable, absurdo, que nunca debió ocurrir. […]