“The cardinal left us with the promise of reunion”

Por: José Manuel González-Rubines

El arzobispo de Camagüey, monseñor Wilfredo Pino, destacó en su homilía ante el cadáver del cardenal Jaime Ortega que Jesucristo murió para vencer a la muerte.
Monseñor Wilfredo Pino Estévez, arzobispo de Camagüey, durante la misa de cuerpo presente, celebrada en la Catedral de La Habana en la tarde del 27 de julio
Monsignor Wilfredo Pino Estévez, Archbishop of Camaguey, during the mass of the present body, held at the Cathedral of Havana on the afternoon of July 27

Monsignor Wilfredo Pino Estévez, Archbishop of Camaguey, thanked in his homily during the mass of the present body, held at the Cathedral of Havana on the afternoon of July 27, the dedication to Cuba and the Church and the ability to forgive demonstrated by the late Cardinal Jaime Ortega.

“Why death? Why should we die?” questioned Msgr. Pino before recalling Jesus’ phrase in the Gospel of John, when he assured that “I am the resurrection and the life; He that believeth in me, even if he die, shall live” (Jn 11:25).

The Prelated Camagueyan further assured that with Jesus Christ death lost its dominion over men and ceased to be an end point to become a point and then Christians must assume it as the promise of reunion.

He also recalled the moral theology classes he received from Cardinal Ortega, who was then a priest in the province of Matanzas, from where he moved every Wednesday to teach the matter at the Seminary of San Carlos and San Ambrosio.

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