The dream

By: Jesús Arencibia Lorenzo

Las diferencias nos complementan, nos enriquecen. Pero solo son beneficiosas cuando provienen de la natural diversidad, no de la distinción que artificialmente se erige sobre posesiones.

Near the end of his journey, after traversing massive dangers to fulfill his sacred mission, when he was about to destroy the evil ring of power, Frodo Bagason, the hobbit, felt he had to keep it. Then, thanks to the bite of Sméagol (Gollum), Frodo’s ring and finger went to give to the boiling bowels of the mountain of fate. However, that perverse relic, which envisioned its owner above the other beings, had finally won the bet on goodness.
The magnificent parable of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings saga defines as few the eternal battle between being and having, between the assumption of existence as service to others and as their dominion. No human being, not even homozygotic twins, is identical to another. Differences complement us, enrich us. But they are only beneficial when they come from natural diversity, not from the distinction that artificially stands on possessions.
“Developing countries is the name by which experts designate countries hit by the development of others,” Uruguayan Eduardo Galeano said with his teleironic peephole. Developing people, it would be worth the paraphrase, they are those who have served shoulders and arms to the development of others.
Figures, names, nations could be quoted… But it’s the least important thing. Every time the individual lets individualism grow itself, the angel who makes us human dies, in the strict communion of the word. And the dream of equality, that is, of equal opportunities to breathe, moves further away at night from time.
The obsession with having dazzles; the brilliance of the fatuous, ennila, and this exciting turbion between two cries – life – then takes off in the endless race of differentiation, which surpasses creeds, regions, militancy.
Technology is the weapon that the least wield to harm the most; technology, too, is the resquicio found by preterids, to make themselves heard. The millimeter-precision gloved hand that squeezes the substances of salvation into a pill also oppresses, without the slightest remorse, the trigger for an explosive.
Prejudice covers so many and so many inequities. Male-Woman, Black-White, Northern-Southern, Heterosexual-Homosexual, Rich-Poor, Intellectual-Ignorant, Up-Down… the list of dichotomies, sadly polarized, hangs over our heads every second. And again, the animal instinct for conservation forgets that at the other end it equally encourages hope, a sublime sense beyond the mescher bodily fluids.
Where do we go if thought lies more in the stomach than in the brain? When will we understand that grammar people do not come down to the first of the singular? What ephemeral blood is there of dreams, which fails to oxygenate the ideas of brotherhood?
José Martí, the Cuban Apostle, wanted to build a homeland, which for him was synonymous with humanity, “with all and for the good of all”. There the first law was to be “the cult of the full dignity of man”.
That teluric longing still ties up on the distant horizon. Ω

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