XVI Sunday of Ordinary Time

By: Father José Miguel González Martín

July 18, 2021

Woe to the shepherds who disperse and let the sheep of my flock get lost!

He came to announce Peace: Peace to you by far, peace also to the nearby.

Jesus saw a crowd and he was sorry for her, because they were like sheep that they have no shepherd.




First reading

Reading of the Prophet Jeremiah 23, 1-6

Woe to the shepherds who disperse and let the sheep of my flock get lost! – Oracle of the Lord.

Therefore, this says the Lord, God of Israel to the pastors who graze my people:
“You scattered my sheep and let them go without worrying about them. So I’m going to ask you for the evil of your actions – Oracle of the Lord -.

I will meet the rest of my sheep from all countries where I expelled them, and I will bring them back to their dehesas, so that they grow and multiply. I will put pastors that hurt them, and they will no longer fear or be frightened. None will miss -or allele the Lord.

Look that days arrive. – Onerling of the Lord – where I will give David a legitimate stem: He will reign as a prudent monarch, with justice and right on earth.

In the days of him, Judah will be saved, Israel will live safely.

And they will put this name: the-sir-ours-justice “.



Salt. 22, 1-3a. 3B-4. 5. 6.

R / The Lord is my pastor, nothing is missing.

The Lord is my pastor, nothing is missing: in green meadows he makes me lie down;
He leads me to calm sources and repairs my strength. R.

It guides me on the right footpath, for the honor of the name of it.
Even if he walked through dark cane, I fear nothing, because you go with me:

Your rod and your cat succeed me. R.

They prepare a table before me, opposite my enemies;
It makes my head with perfume, and my cup overflows. R.

Your kindness and your mercy accompany me every day of my life,
And I will inhabit in the Lord’s house for years without term. R.


Second lecture

Reading the Letter of Saint Paul to Ephesians 2, 13-18

Now, thanks to Christ Jesus, those who were far away are far from the blood of Christ.

He is our peace: that of the two peoples has made one, knocking down in his body the wall that separated them: enmity.

He has abolished the law with the commandments and decrees of him, to create, of the two, in himself, a single new man, making peace. He reconciled with God both, joining them in a single body through the cross, killing, in him, to hostility.

He came to announce peace: peace to you by far away, peace also to the nearby. Thus, some and others, we can approach the Father through him in the same spirit.



Reading of the Holy Gospel According to San Marcos 6, 30-34

At that time, the apostles met again with Jesus, and told him everything they had done and taught. He told them:
“You come alone to a deserted place to rest a little.”

Because they were so many who were going and came, they did not find time or to eat.

They went on a barge alone to a deserted place.

Many saw them leave and recognized them; Then of all the villages were running down to that site and they were ahead of them. At disembarking, Jesus saw a crowd and hepanied her, because they were like sheep that have no shepherd; And he began to teach them many things.



The word of God today contains an intense message that comes to enlighten in a powerful way the current situation of our society that, in so many places, dishes and dispersed, suffers and cries before anguish and tightening, and needs guidance and accompaniment to move towards A better future.

Through the Prophet Jeremiah, God complains, it laments, because God is not alien to the suffering and cry of his people. He complains of the shepherds who do not graze, who do not take care of the flock, which instead of serving the sheep are served from the sheep, which dispersed them and allow them to be lost. It is certainly a severe care call to all those who have public responsibilities at the service of others, freely and voluntarily assumed, and that they should materialize in attitudes of service and delivery, and in concrete actions to improve the lives of which we They have been confident. When we talk about shepherds right away we think rightly on the Pope, the bishops, the priests, because they are or are the pastors that we have always reflect the love and merciful face of Christ Good Shepherd. But they are also pastors of society, all those who have publicly assumed a position that implies dedication and service, people who, from their responsibility, direct the destinies of the peoples, societies, and not only from the Church. God complains about the negligence, poor work, of delays, of the ill will, of the selfish and irreflexive attitude of who he only thinks of his own good, who prefers to close his eyes and look elsewhere against suffering alien . And he concludes forcefully: “I am going to ask you for accounts for the evil of your actions,” the Lord. ”

He promises, also, the Lord, be himself the shepherd of his flock. Actually, he never stopped being him. And he adds that he will put new shepherds who guide the people of him as it is convenient, that his sheep hurt, who carry them on peace paths, without fears or frightening, so that no one is lost, or left helpless and unprotected. It is certainly a messianic text in which the promise of the Messiah is transluced as a good pastor.

Psalm 23, better known as the psalm of the good shepherd, offers us a wonderful text to repeat without ceasing, especially in the moments of anguish and bewilderment that envelop us. We should record it on fire in our memory and babble it incessantly as an act of faith and confidence in whom it never leaves us with each of us, because it always goes with each one of us, in Dark Glen, in Tenebrous Valleys, on days of anguish and loneliness. He feeds us and protects against our enemies, before those who harass us or pursue. Confident of him we lose fear and peace he took over our being, although not of our existence.

Precisely the second reading presents us to Christ as our peace, because with the offering of the blood of Him has knocked down the wall of hatred and the enmity that separated us from each other. In times of crisis and conflicts, raising the gaze towards Christ as a source of peace for all can be the right and concrete way to resurface towards a more fair and equitable, more inclusive and fraternal society, more respectful and plural.

In the Gospel of today we are presented to Christ as the one who contemplates the crowd that followed him, he expected her, because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he gets to show them calmly. Also today Christ contemplates us with mercy, he looks at so many and so many who suffer physical hunger and thirst, but also hunger and thirst for justice and freedom. Also today Christ is sorry for the crowds who are without course because their pastors have abandoned them. The look of Christ about us is not a neutral or cold look but quite the opposite. Christ looks from heart to heart. Christ feels with us, suffers with the people of Him, spilling the blood of him in every brother injured by supremacism and exclusion. Maybe others will do it, but Christ will never leave us alone. He is always with us, particularly in the night of pain and iniquity. Our crosses are the cross of it; Our deaths are the death of it; Our hopes of a better life light up from the light and the joy of the resurrection of it, which is victory of good about evil, of love on hatred, of life on death.

Christ, good pastor, take care of each one of us.



Pastor, who with your loving whists
I woke up from the deep sleep,
You made me fell from this log
In which you tend the powerful arms.

Hurry my eyes to my godly faith,
Well, I confess for my love and owner,
and the word to continue effort
Your sweet whistles and your feet beautiful.

Hey, shepherd, who dies,
Do not splapping the rigor of my sins,
Well, you’re rendered, you’re,
Wait, then, and listen to my care.

But how do I tell you to wait,
If you are, to wait, the feet nailed?



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